Many of these songs were recorded and mixed in my living room. Pelican Nights was begun at another studio and finished in mine. David Indian was recorded live at a benefit concert at Green Chimneys, a non-profit children's facility. Down From the Hill and I Woke Up were part of a series of songs recorded at David Indian's home for a TV show called Staten Island Journal. Barely Lace was recorded at Quad Studios New York.
      The copyrights on these songs belong to the songwriters named, and my only excuse for presenting them here is that I love them and want more people to hear them. Where possible I have asked permission. Where I was unable to contact the songwriter, I ask forgiveness.
     I have other songs by these artists, and I will be rotating them, so come back and see what's here periodically. I also expect to add others to the list as time goes by.

- Bill Ring



